Sunday 12 August 2012

Our Philosophy

Very often a child stumbles and has problems with one area of his studies or another. At this juncture, it is important that we provide the encouragement and guidance that he needs to overcome these challenges. Rebuilding of confidence, through encouragement and clear instruction, is vital to get the child to stand on his two feet again.

Students face a continual change of teachers over the years, sometimes even within the year itself. This can have an adverse effect on the learning experience of the child as it takes time to adjust to a new teacher. Sometimes you will also hear that your child may not like a certain teacher. This is most unfortunate, but one cannot deny that when that happens, the child will be less interested in that subject.

We hope to be that continual factor in your child's education, whereby they know that they will always have a constant in their search for answers. In fact, many of my students have been with me for at least three to four years. I have a few students who have been with me for the last 6 years!

We sincerely believe in the inherent good of the child, and strive not only to ensure the advancement of grades, but also to make sure the child's development as a person is looked after. This is especially so during the teenage years when the child will try to assert his individuality. These can be trying times for both the child and parents, as both parties learn to come to terms with the child's desire for freedom but inability to yet cope with responsibility. We thus become the pipeline for parents to express their anxieties to the teenagers, and conversely become the avenue for parents to hear their children's frustrations.

After so many years of teaching, we have seen ourselves as counsellors and bridges of communication when we encounter cases of depression, delinquency and bad company. For the children we have helped, we are thankful that we have made a difference in their lives.

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